

Corktown, Detroit, Michigan, USA
September 26 > October 16, 2011

within the project SATELLITE, a collaborative project between
DARE-DARE (Montreal, QC) and
The Imagination Station (Detroit, MI)

Frame building
Casting beewax sheets

Target was the result of working in a building, a former home from the late 1890’s, now blighted and left to ruin and nicknamed Lefty, to renew its inner spirit through the actions of casting and creating new ‘windows’ made of beeswax, an ephemeral act of repair and maintenance which brought light back to the house. In Lefty’s former living room, I installed a studio/workshop in which to cast beeswax window panes (thin sheets of semi-transparent beeswax) that were installed in the 27 empty window frames in the face of Lefty.